Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer Session Ale

Summer Session Ale by Evolution Brewing Company 

The new beer tonight that I am trying is from a brewery that I have never had before. That brewery is Evolution Brewing Company. They are located in Salisbury, Maryland. I have heard good stuff about this brewery and figured I would check out one of their beers. The beer that I am having tonight is Summer Session Ale and the style of this brew is an American Blonde Ale. To give you a comparison of styles, you could think of this beer like a Kölsch style of beer. This style is a can have a slightly assertive hop bitterness to it, all depends on the brewery. Another beer that this style of beer is similar to is a Pils style of beer, which also has a hop forward taste to them beer. Summer Session Ale has an alcohol by volume or ABV of 4.9% and an IBU of 25. Summer Session is an unfiltered ale with subtleness and complexity.

Glimpse of Summer Session Ale

The appearance of Summer Session is a mixture between orange and yellow, almost golden like. The head of the beer fizzled away shortly after pouring the beer, but it did leave an inch of foam. In terms of aroma from the beer that I am picking up is a citrus and a hoppy note. In sense it is a blend between a lemon citrus aroma and a hop bitter aroma. There is a slight floral aroma as the lingering smell after the citrus and hop smell. While trying to figure out if I think this beer. I need to figure out what the taste of the ale is like. I am curious to see what I think about the taste based off of the aroma I picked up from the beer. Took the first sip and was presently surprised that there was not a smack in the face with a bitter taste. I think this ale has a subtle bite on the palate and does not leave a lingering bitter taste. I would have to label this taste as grainy because of all the different malts used in this beer. While tasting this ale, I think that there is an added taste of lemon zest to the beer to cut the bitter hop notes in the beer. The body of this ale is light to medium and the mouthfeel is crisp and refreshing. 

Evolution Brewing Company's Summer Session Ale

All in all I think this ale is a tasty summer ale that has a hop note to the beer, which people that love hops can enjoy. This also has a crisp and refreshing taste that people that do not love hops can still enjoy. Summer Session Ale is Evolution Brewing Company's summer seasonal beer and is pretty good in my opinion. In my opinion, has the combination between refreshing and a hop bitterness that blends well together. If you are looking for a summer beer with a hop note to it make sure you check out the Summer Session Ale. 

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