Monday, February 6, 2017


Wake-N-Bake By Terrapin Beer Company 

Since, we just found out that we are going to have six more weeks of winter from Punxsutawney Phil, so why not embrace the styles that make winter more enjoyable. Stouts are a big part of winter and one of my favorite styles of beer. I actually made a home brew stout, which was delicious. Before I get into which stout I am having tonight, let's explore the beer company the beer I am trying comes from. I am have a beer from Terrapin Beer Company. They are located in Athens, Georgia. 

Terrapin Beer Co. was founded by John Cochran and Spike Buckowski, who met while working at a microbrewery in Atlanta. Both recognized that they had a passion and something to contribute to the industry in the the South. They began developing their recipes and in April 2002, Rye Pale Ale was born. Six months later Rye Pale Ale had won a Gold Medal at at the Great American Beer Fest for American Pale Ale. In 2007, Terrapin moved to its current location and set out to share their unique brews with the Southeast. Adding beers that are mainstays to their brand, Wake-N-Bake, Hopsecutioner, and others. Today there are eight year round beers, four seasonal sessions, and special releases/collaborations. 

Jittery Joe's

Terrapin Beer Company

I am trying one of the mainstays of Terrapin Beer and that is Wake-N-Bake. Wake-N_Bake is a Coffee Oatmeal Imperial Stout. It's the collaboration between two Athens, Georgia Companies: Terrapin Beer and Jittery Joe's. Wake-N-Bake has and alcohol by volume or ABV of 9.4 % and an IBU or bitterness of 50. I am trying a Vintage 2015 Wake-N-Bake. 


Wake-N-Bake Vintage 2015

Appearance of Wake-N-Bake has a dark colored haze to it. The stout has a black darkness about it as if it was a black cup of joe. There is a thin layer a foam around the top of the glass. The foam has a brown tint, as you pour the beer the foam lingers for a little then quickly dissipates. Leaving the thin ring of foam around the edge of the glass. Aroma is something I am eager to explore with this being a Coffee Oatmeal Stout. The first thing that I noticed is the roasted dark malt notes in the aroma. The second aroma note that I picked up on was the effervescent coffee aroma. The coffee aroma is very noticeable and pairs with the roasted dark malt notes. The last aroma I notice is a baked oatmeal aroma. Almost like pulling out chocolate chip oatmeal cookies fresh out of the oven. All the aromas blend delightfully together, giving you a sense of what Wake-N-Bake is all about.

Appearance of Wake-N-Bake 

I took my first sip and I noticed is the roasted body of this beer. The aroma notes come through in the taste. The roasted coffee is noticeable after the roasted malt. The black appearance comes through in the dark roasted notes of the taste. After the roastiness comes through in the taste there is a subtle sweetness and bitterness paired together. I notice a bitter dark chocolate taste that then gives way to a toffee sweetness.  The roasted notes paired with the sweet bitterness give this beer a fullness of flavor that is rich and perfect. The body of this beer is medium and has smooth mouthfeel. There is great carbonation to the beer and with the rich and smooth body the combo, which starts in the aroma comes through fully in the taste of the beer. The smoothness leaves a lingering velvet note on the tongue. The notes left on the tongue makes me want to have more of this beer. Wake-N-Bake, in my opinion, comes through as great start to your day beer wise to get you alert and to start your day.

 Check out Terrapin Wake-N-Bake

The more you drink and notice the aroma of Wake-N-Bake they coincide and reach the ultimate conclusion as the beer drinker finishes the beer. I thoroughly enjoyed this brew from Terrapin and I cannot wait to try the Tart Wake-N-Bake, which has a cherry tartness to it. For me, I think the high ABV only becomes noticeable the more you drink it, in the beginning it is smooth and not noticeable. As you finish the stout you recognize that you just drink a nine percent beer. Wake-N- Bake name is unique and I like the concept for the beer. The stout will wake you up and once it bakes as you finish it you need to let it settle like you do with cookies. 

Check out Terrapin Beer Company on their website and their social media: