Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Types of Beer

What is your favorite type of beer? For me it is very simple any beer that does not have a strong bitter hop taste! This would be considered India Pale Ales, Pale Ales, Barleywines. To me each of the following have a distinct issue with my pallett. India Pale Ales and Pale Ales are not my favorite because usually they are all filled with bitter hop taste. Barleywines beer are an issue for me as well because they tend to have the bitter taste as well as being very high in alcohol content. If you have any suggestions on any of these types of beers to try I am all yours. Just leave a comment on the bottom. 

Bell's Brewery Two Heart Ale IPA

I have been talking to some beer fanatics like myself and I have been told to look more at Stouts and Sour style beers. First I like Stouts that are done well, secondly I am not a fan of the big macro brew stouts. I do not enjoy Guinness unless it is in a Car Bomb drink.  Stouts that I do like are Left Hand Brewing Company Milk Stout and River Horse Oatmeal Milk Stout. I have never had any Sour style brews and was told I should get in to that style from my friend in Arizona.  If you have any suggestion on styles of beer or beers I should try in this area just leave a comment and I will added into my next 6 pack if its available around me. 

Cascade Brewing Sang Noir Belgian Style Sour Ale

Wheat beer and White Ales are the particular styles that I love. Anything that is usually in this styles of brew I will drink until I can drink no more. The only thing that I will not enjoy in this type of beer is Coriander. Any particular beer that has that as a strong flavor in that beer is hard for me to enjoy. People say you either like Cilantro/Coriander or you do not, for beer sake I am not a fan. Example of this style is Walt Wit, very popular in the Wheat beers but for me it does not sit right with me. Nothing more refreshing than a good wheat beer. 21st Amendment Brewing Company has a really tasty Wheat beer and that is Hell or High Watermelon. 

21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon, Watermelon Wheat 

Lagers are usually the go to drink if I am drinking all day. Or a smooth Pilsner. I think these are the old faithful for everyone usually, in my opinion. I think most popular Lager is Yuengling and my favorite is K.C.C.O. Lagers by Red Hook. I think most people tend to not think about Pilsner style beers unless you drink them. To me my favorite when I first tried beer was Labatt's, I know there are better ones out there now but when you first start drinking you tend to go with what everyone else is drinking. I think everyone at some point has had a Pilsner, ever have Miller Lite? You would be drinking a Pilsner if you have. 

Labatt Blue 

I think that people are afraid to try Tripel's and Quad because of their alcohol content, but if you enjoy Barleywines then you should enjoy a good Tripel. These are usually Belgian Style brews and I think my favorite Tripel is by Weyerbacher, Merry Monks. I have also heard that I need to try Three Philosophers by Ommegang Brewery, which is Ommegang's Quadrupel Ale. Quads can be difficult to have some times in my opinion, because they either are too much like a wine or not strong enough for a Quad. I had two Quad style beers on my 25th birthday the first I could not stand but the second one, which was made by the place I went to was so delicious and tasty that I actually enjoyed it.

Ommegang Three Philosophers Quad Ale

If I missed any styles of beer, which I know I did I will make more posts like this showing you different styles of beers and I will be going further in depth on theses styles in the future. This is just a glimpse of some styles of beers that are out there for you to enjoy. 

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