Monday, August 24, 2015

Croydon Cream Ale

Croydon Cream Ale by Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company 

Tonight I am trying a local brew and a brewery that is taking off. That brewery is Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company, they are located in Croydon, PA. Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company was founded in 2010 and has been turning out beers ever since. One thing that I have noticed about them is their artwork that is on each can. It's the dedication and brews that keep me coming back for more from this brewery. I have had a few of their beers before and I will say if you like Double IPA's you should try Blitzkrieg or try their pumpkin brew called Punkless Dunkel. The beer that I am trying tonight is the Croydon Cream Ale. This beer is considered a American Lawnmower beer or similar to a light lager. Croydon Cream Ale has an alcohol by volume or ABV of 4.2% and an IBU of 12.5. 

Appearance of Croydon Cream Ale

Once you pour this brew out if the can you notice how light and clear this brew is. The color of the beer is golden and has a clear appearance. The head or foam of the beer is white thick and creamy at the top of the glass. Aroma wise, I am picking up a grainy or a biscuit aroma that is intriguing because it looks like a light beer and the aroma to me feels heavier than the beer looks.  There are subtle floral notes in the aroma, which comes from the addition of the Czech Saaz Hop. I has encountered the Saaz Hop before and usually it is found in a Czech Style Pilsner or a brew that is looking to add some spice. 

Time to head towards the tasting part and the mouthfeel of the beer. I took the first sip and all I could think about was how light and smooth this beer was. I did taste a bitter hop note, but it was not too overpowering like and India Pale Ale could be. In addition, the taste I also notice was a grassy spice combo. The spice note again is because of the addition of the Saaz style hop into the beer. The mouthfeel of Croydon Cream Ale is a creamy light bodied beer that is very enjoyable and something that all beer drinkers can enjoy. 

Checkout Croydon Cream Ale 

Overall, Croydon Cream Ale by Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company is a light craft beer that is very drinkable and crushable. The low ABV allows this beer to almost be like a session beer and the hop note as well make this beer feel like a sessionable beer. I also think that people that are not a fan of bitter beers and are looking for a light craft beer can also enjoy this beer. I am always looking out for different beer styles and Neshaminy Creek Brewing Company rewarded my curiosity with a good Cream Ale or Lawnmower beer. I think if you are in the area of this brewery you should stop by their taste room and try some of their brews on tap or find it in your local bottle shop. 

Check out their Website and their Twitter: 

1 comment:

  1. Tried a few of Neshaminy Creek's offerings at a sampling on Friday. I'm not a fan of bitter beers, so I stay away from the pale ales; I do however enjoy the sweeter, less bitter wheat beers...If you have similar tastes, then I would recommend their Hefeweizen. Also, not as yummy, but worth noting for it's strength, the 'Tribute Tripel' is a knock-you-on-your-butt 9.3% alcohol; and yet not a bad flavor for how strong of a beverage you are getting :)
