Thursday, September 17, 2015

Perzik Saison

Perzik Saison by Avery Brewing Company 

Trying a seasonal brew from Avery Brewing Company, tonight.  I have had a few of their beers before and this is the fourth beer, I will have blogged about from their brewery. First was the White Rascal, a White Ale brewed with spices. Second was the Raspberry Sour, a Sour Ale. Third was Joe Premium American Pilsner. The newest and probably not the last one is the Perzik Saison. This is a seasonal summer brew from Avery. I have not had a chance to try it all summer until now and I figured since it is becoming colder at night, I should try to drink up the summer brews before it is too cold. Perzik Saison is a Saison that is brewed with Peaches.  Perzik has an alcohol by volume or ABV of 6.4%. I have had a Saison like this before, but it was from Terrapin Brewing Company and I am curious to see how close or how similar they are to each other. Avery Brewing Company is from Boulder, Colorado. 

Appearance of Perzik Saison 

Looking at this Saison from Avery Brewing Company, the color almost reminds me of an unfiltered wheat ale. There is a golden or orange tint to this Saison. Perzik is cloudy and has a lot of carbonation adding to hazy complexion. The foam or head of the beer retains the foam after pouring and settles with a nice thin layer at the top of the beer. I am curious to see how much peach aroma comes through in the aroma and if this brew smells like a typical Saison. Typically in a Saison, you pick up a citrus and pepper aroma, but I think with the peach added into this ale that aroma might change. I took my first smell of the brew and picked up on peach aroma instead of the citrus. Then the aroma was followed by a peppery aroma and a yeast note. Which makes sense for this beer being a Saison. Farmhouse Ales/ Saisons were typically made with what ever the farmer had to brew with. Some say that you might pick up an earthy aroma when smelling Saison's, but that is because of what the brewer had available to them. 

Taste is another spot that has my curious with this Perzik Saison, I really enjoy Maggie's Peach Farmhouse Ale and I hope this beer is similar in style. Saison style taste can be too much for some beer drinkers, they usually pick up on the spice note and do not usually enjoy that. For me, I think some Saison's are strong with the pepper taste, but others do a great job at giving the drinker a snippet of that taste note. First thing that I notice when I took my first sip was the yeast forefront and a fruity backbone. The yeast note has a peppery note mixed in with and it is not too overpowering to where you cannot enjoy the beer. After you get past the yeast forefront taste, you pick up a peach taste which is rather enjoyable. I think that the yeast note paired with the peach taste was done perfectly and makes this brew a rather enjoyable Sasion. Mouthfeel you pick up with peppery note and the beer has a medium body. 

Check out Perzik Saison

If you are looking for a summer brew this might be a brew for you. I think that the peach makes this a smooth and enjoyable beer. I wish that I was able to have this on a hot summer day, not that I cannot enjoy this beer on a night like tonight. It is 64 degrees right now and I still am enjoying this beer. As far as comparison to Maggie's Peach Farmhouse Ale, I think Perzik stays more towards the style and gives you just the right amount of peach taste. I think they both fulfilled their purpose and met the beer drinkers wants. Avery Brewing did a great job on sticking to the Saison style with the Perzik Saison and adding just the right amount of peach flavor to the brew to cut the peppery taste. I would look for this beer on tap near me and if I found it on tap, I would order this again. 

Check out Avery Brewing Company's Website and Twitter: 

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