Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wallflower Wheat Ale

Wallflower Wheat Ale by Round Guys Brewing Company 

Tonight I am trying a local brew, from Lansdale, Pennsylvania. I have tried some beers from them before, but never on the blog. I am trying a brew tonight from Round Guys Brewing Company. Rounds Guys Brewing Company was thought about in 2008 and became a reality in 2012. In three short years they have become well known in the region and expanded their distribution to Central Pennsylvania to the Jersey Shore. I have not made it to the Taproom, but I am hoping to make it there soon. The brew I am trying tonight is called Wallflower Wheat Ale. Wallflower Wheat has an alcohol by volume or ABV of  5.2% and IBU of 16. I am excited to try this brew from Round Guys Brewing Company.

Appearance of Wallflower Wheat

Aroma and Appearance for some beers can make or break the beer. For example, some people as soon as the see a dark beer they do not want it, but if it was a lighter ale then they might try it. In terms of appearance this ale looks almost like a Witbier. The color of the beer is pale hazy golden color to the brew. There is a quarter inch of foam at the top of the beer and is like an off white color. The head or the foam of the beer is sort of a blend of thick and creamy, in my mind. Now looking at the aroma there are two notes, I think I picked up mostly. They are a spiced banana ester or fruity esters and a floral aroma as well. The spiced banana or fruity esters are the first thing I notice, then comes the floral aroma laying in the background. There is also a subtle citrus aroma that lingers throughout and blends with the Wheat Ale aspect of this brew.

Last important factor in any beer is the taste and the body of the beer. Taste can be the most important thing for some people. I think someone that does not like a bitter beer would not enjoy an India Pale Ale, but might enjoy brews with less bitter notes like this beer. The taste of this brew does a nice job of following the aroma. The spiced banana aroma is the first thing, I taste in this beer. The banana starts off the taste and is followed by a spiced note. After that it is hard to say what other notes, I am picking up in the beer. I think as you finish the sip of beer, there is a subtle taste note of a citrus and hop blend. The citrus and hop combo is very pleasant. The mouthfeel of Wallflower Wheat is a light and smooth drinkable beer. 

Check out Wallflower Wheat by Round Guys Brewing Company 

This brew is available year round and is a very interesting wheat ale. I think it is more of a combo between a normal wheat ale and a German Hefeweizen. The use of spices and banana pair very well together. I think that this is a good brew that someone could enjoy on a hot day. I think this brew could appeal to many different beer drinks in many different areas. If you like pale ales, there is a hop note for you in this ale. I also think that if you are not in to hoppy beers, this beer can also be enjoyed  because there is a subtle not too overpowering bitter note. Anyone that is in to wheat ales could enjoy Wallflower Wheat and pick up on the subtleties of this brew. Overall, I think that Round Guys did a great job trying to have a beer appeal to all beer drinkers, while still making a good brew. 

Check out Round Guys on Twitter and their Website: 

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