Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Hipp-O-Lantern Imperial Pumpkin Ale by River Horse Brewing Company

Trying a brew from a local brewery. Originally, this brewery started in Lambertville, New Jersey, since they have grown in size they have moved down the road to Ewing, New Jersey. River Horse was founded in 1995 and current owners have had control since 2007. I am trying Hipp-o-Lantern by River Horse Brewing Company.  Hipp-O-Lantern is a Imperial Pumpkin Ale and a beer I am really looking forward to reviewing. Hipp-O-Lantern has an alcohol by volume of 8.1%. Every pumpkin beer drinker knows that we are headed towards the end of the season, the weather is getting cooler and it makes me want to enjoy pumpkin beers more. To me honestly, end of October is the end of the Pumpkin season for most breweries. I think that the end of the season should be extended til Thanksgiving, so you can enjoy a Pumpkin beer with a Pumpkin Pie. Time to review Hipp-O-Lantern and see what is behind this brew. 

Appearance to Hipp-O-Lantern

To me when I look at this beer, I see fall in a glass. Pumpkin brew season is upon and this beer makes me think of Fall and late October. There is a deep burnt auburn orange appearance to Hipp-O-Lantern and it reminds me of Amber Ale color. Hipp-O-Lantern's color, could also be the addition of the molasses to the beer that might give the beer it's deep color. There is a thin layer of foam or head at the top of this beer. It has a brownish white appearance to it, the color makes me think some of the spices mixed with the foam. Actually it reminds me of baking a Pumpkin Pie, when you add cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves into the sugar before you add the Pumpkin in.  The foam or head also leaves some lacing upon the glass as you drink it.  Aroma wise I smell, Pumpkin and some spice notes mixed in. The aroma is too heavy on the spice side and is sort of on the sweet side. Spice aromas I picked up were cloves and cinnamon.  

The taste of a Pumpkin brew is the most important aspect of a Pumpkin beer for myself, as a Pumpkin beer fan. The first sip of this beer is so smooth. I notice the sweetness of the beer right away,but it does not follow it all the way through the finish of the beer. You first get hit with a sweet note as you take the first sip. Shortly after you begin to notice the pumpkin and the spices, before having the spices take over as you finish your sip. The smoothness of the beer makes me really enjoy this brew and want to go out and buy a case. I will say that as you finish the sip, you do pick up on the 8.1% but not in a bad way. For me, the smoothness of this beer and spices make you think you are drinking not an 8.1% beer, but like a 6% beer.  Body of this beer is medium and you do notice there is a decent amount of carbonation in this brew, but I think you really notice it because of the spice finish in the beer. 

Check Out River Horse Hipp-O-Lantern 

I really enjoyed this brew because it gave me the best of both world's in terms of a Pumpkin beer. You start of sweet and finish with a spice taste in the end. This beer was neither too sweet or too spiced base for my liking. If you really enjoy a Pumpkin brew, like I do than this is a must try brew for you. I think that most people that enjoy beer, but are afraid of a Pumpkin beer having too strong of a Pumpkin taste, this is a beer you should try as well. You do not get too strong of a Pumpkin taste that you cannot enjoy the quality of this beer. Hopefully, soon I am able to stop over in Ewing, New Jersey for a tour and get this beer straight from the source. As the Pumpkin season, closes down make sure you stop by a beer store and give Hipp-O-Lantern, a spook of a chance. 

Check out River Horse Brewing Company's Website and Twitter: 

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